How to Create Your First World Map
December 2, 2024
Creating a world map for your fictional world is easier than ever! With the help of Fantasy Planet Painter, you can easily create a world map on a planetary scale with a few simple strokes.

Start with a randomly generated planet that suits your needs. Then paint large scale features layer by layer.
The concept of world building is nothing new, but few tools offers the creative freedom and mathematical rigour of Fantasy Planet Painter. By focusing on large land masses, we can think more in terms of overall forms and continent shapes, and not be bothered by details that we can polish latter, once we have the big features.
It’s useful to think of land mass formation from the movement of plate tectonics, and let randomized algorithms handle subtle details of shorelines at this stage.
When we are satisfied with the large features, we can start working on fine tuning the shorelines, adding lakes and rivers, and even customizing our biomes!
Think about the proportions of your continents
Because different mappings show area and distances differently. It’s worthwhile to understand various mapping projections well before diving in and painting your land masses.
Helpful Tips
- Switch Between Different Mappings
- Use Extreme Values Sparingly to "Find Tune" the behavior
- Think About Real Geography
As of version 1.0, we are editing on a surface of size 48×24. The drawable resolution is expected to increase in future versions.
Congratulations! Now you have created your first world map!
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How to Create Your First World Map
Heart Jki-star-1-light Share-alt How to Create Your First World Map Purchase December 2, 2024 Creating a world map for your fictional world...
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